
Saturday, April 17, 2010

Alabama Eagle Forum Questionnare page 2

My friends at the Alabama Eagle Forum ( have asked me to answer a series of questions about where I stand on certain issues. I thought my reader(s) might be interested in my response.

What follows is the first of Five Sections on Immigration, State Government, Sanctity of Life, Education Issues, and Property rights. This is part 2.

State Government

1 Q. I support improving the Constitution issue by issue so that each change can be clear to voters

A. Yes.

The Alabama Constitution contains language that is dated and offensive. I feel that it would better serve the public interest and the history of the State to repeal these amendments rather than replace the entire Constitution. I fear that a complete rewrite of the Alabama Constitution by a Democratic State Legislature would be just a thinly disguised across the board tax increase.

2 Q. There is a great need to control government spending and reduce waste in government. I pledge to reduce spending and increase accountability in spending.

A. Yes & Yes.

The State currently depends on too large a percentage of Federal funding for its budget. The enormous weight of the Federal debt makes dependence on that tenuous source of funding unwise in the long term.

Alabama must stand on its own feet and that will require a very aggressive program of attracting industries that export goods, and reduction of waste at every level of government.

3 Q. I support a prior year and/or rolling average budget process to restore fiscal responsibility to our State Budget.

A. Sorry, No.

A rolling average budget will not restore fiscal responsibility alone. The State must have the flexibility to promote a budget that can be responsive to natural disasters and unforeseen fiscal crisis such as was seen in the 2007-8 market crash and Katrina.

However The State should have a rolling reserve that allows the use of State Savings like the Oil and Gas Fund to be borrowed for economic development in times of hardship and disaster relief in times of public crisis. As as aside, I would support an amendment that would prevent State Agencies from investing in any market securities except state bond funds. State Administrators lost billions of your money in by engaging in the “irrational exuberance” of the market in the last decade.

4 Q. Double-Dipping Breeds corruption in our legislative process and should be prohibited by the State Legislature.

A. Yes.

I have pledged that if elected I will be a full time State Senator. I question the veracity of anyone who claims to fully serve the needs of the people while they keep full-time jobs as State administrators, teachers, doctors or even lawyers.

5 Q. I support a ban on PAC to PAC transfers.

A. Yes.

It is dishonest and dishonorable to the contributor to allow money that was raised for one purpose to be used for another.

6 Q. The 10th amendment to to US Constitution limits the powers of the constitution by reserving all power not explicitly granted to it by the states. I support legislation to nullify federal mandates that violate the constitution.

A. Yes ... and No.

I firmly believe that the 10th amendment has been rode roughshod by federal mandates but I believe that these mandates would be best challenged in Federal court, not on the Alabama Senate floor.


Sanctity of life:

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