
Wednesday, April 21, 2010

My friends at the Alabama Eagle Forum ( have asked me to answer a series of questions about where I stand on certain issues. I thought my reader(s) might be interested in my response.

What follows is the first of Five Sections on Immigration, State Government, Sanctity of Life, Education Issues, and Property rights. This is part 4.

Family Issues

Q. Gambling corrupts Government, adds no product to the economy, is not a dependable source of Government revenue, and can be addictive and detrimental to family and community life. I oppose all legislative efforts to expand gambling. I support enforcement of present criminal laws

A. Yes.
Present attempts to “put it to a vote of the people” fail to mention that the people of Birmingham and Mobile far outnumber the people of the rural areas. A statewide referendum could result in slot machines placed in gas stations right next to your Church.

Q. Preschoolers prosper best in a consistent loving care of parents or relatives. Any proposals that mandate a universal pre-kindergarten program should be stopped.

A. Yes.
I had to rewrite the question in order to answer yes.

3.5 % of Alabama homes have one parent in Jail. 20% of Alabama homes do not have consistent loving parents because in those homes the parents love crack cocaine or Methamphetamine more than they love their children. 17 % of Alabama homes are suffering through unemployment. 70% of the Alabama homes have low paying jobs, and there are no parents available during the day. Either because it is a single parent situation or both mom and dad are out working.

I would first propose that we focus on legislation that removes the children from the homes where the parents are endangering the children with drug use or manufacture.

Second I would work to provide well paying job opportunities so that one parent can in fact stay home to care for the children. This issue was visited when the Kindergarten was instituted and before long students who missed K were behind in grade 1. The I fully expect the same result in the PreK program. Personally, I believe home would be better, but only if the home is in fact a home.

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