I'd like to make a recommendation.
It will require some stickers and name tags for your gifts this Holiday Season.
Most of my readers (both in fact) are bored to tears about economics. Most of my readers (both in fact) would rather shoot themselves in the foot or snip off any other bit that sticks out of the trunk instead of looking at another demand curve.
However, they need to know that there is an economic fact that economist just won't share.
That fact is the "Science of Economics" is about "why".
I often tell my students, my children, and anyone else who will listen, that of the four dubbleyous; who, what, when, and why, the first three are facts. The last one is always an opinion.
So economics is not a fact, it is not a hard science about facts.
It is an opinion.
I often ponder why people who refuse the idea of a Creator and an unseen Heaven can believe in something as nefarious as "The Economy".
I don't.
Believe, in the economy that is.
I have spouted on my opinion about the Debt, our unending obligation that makes it so that every baby born on this Christmas day will carry home a present of over $40,000 of debt that they earned by just being born American.
I have mentioned my opinion about the deficit, our unwillingness to agree to spend less than we make. Both personally and as a State and Nation.
I may even have opined regarding the balance of trade. The ghost of Christmas past that any trained economist will deny as irrelevant since dollars spend always equals dollars bought.
I have even tread on the quicksand of making obtuse reference to the source of, and ultimately where the responsibility lies for all these "problems". The quicksand of which, when our the nations which host our debt grow tired of our greed, will make Ross Perot's giant sucking sound like a fart in a whirlwind compared to China selling a trillion dollars for euros at ten to one.
When you shop look for a box of stickers with an American flag. Then print up some labels that say " This present brought to you by the workers of America"
(With an American made pencil please)
It will require some stickers and name tags for your gifts this Holiday Season.
Most of my readers (both in fact) are bored to tears about economics. Most of my readers (both in fact) would rather shoot themselves in the foot or snip off any other bit that sticks out of the trunk instead of looking at another demand curve.
However, they need to know that there is an economic fact that economist just won't share.
That fact is the "Science of Economics" is about "why".
I often tell my students, my children, and anyone else who will listen, that of the four dubbleyous; who, what, when, and why, the first three are facts. The last one is always an opinion.
So economics is not a fact, it is not a hard science about facts.
It is an opinion.
I often ponder why people who refuse the idea of a Creator and an unseen Heaven can believe in something as nefarious as "The Economy".
I don't.
Believe, in the economy that is.
I have spouted on my opinion about the Debt, our unending obligation that makes it so that every baby born on this Christmas day will carry home a present of over $40,000 of debt that they earned by just being born American.
I have mentioned my opinion about the deficit, our unwillingness to agree to spend less than we make. Both personally and as a State and Nation.
I may even have opined regarding the balance of trade. The ghost of Christmas past that any trained economist will deny as irrelevant since dollars spend always equals dollars bought.
I have even tread on the quicksand of making obtuse reference to the source of, and ultimately where the responsibility lies for all these "problems". The quicksand of which, when our the nations which host our debt grow tired of our greed, will make Ross Perot's giant sucking sound like a fart in a whirlwind compared to China selling a trillion dollars for euros at ten to one.
If you would like to do something semi-productive this Christmas then follow my lead.
When you shop look for a box of stickers with an American flag. Then print up some labels that say " This present brought to you by the workers of America"
(With an American made pencil please)
And by golly if it ain't made in the USA then don't give it.
It is, in fact, that simple.
This Christmas, if every person who gave a Christmas present gave a gift that said "Made in the USA" on it we could pay an extra twenty billion dollars on our balance of trade. If everyone did this every Christmas we wouldn't need to have fathers and mothers half the world away fighting and dying for sand and hot air.
Do it, just try to do it.
"Care to guess what it says on the back of my Flag stickers?"
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