
Wednesday, November 10, 2010

The election is at an end. Unfortunately I will likely have to return that $2 check and the forever remember the grip of the gentleman in Fayette who asked "Can I trust you?" ..

I suppose so.

One or both of us will likely to be dead before a perfect storm comes like this again.

I haven't called to congratulate Roger. After all we were running for different jobs, I ran for district wide economic developer, he, for chief sports commentator and your tax money distributor.

As it turns out, I may have gotten my job.

I don't think he got his.

Perhaps I should offer condolences.

I had no way of knowing that the newly elected Senate leadership would be so heavy republican. No, that is not right, I should have known - I should have been more articulate to the voters of Franklin County that without me the key jobs in pork packaging and distribution would be to our South Alabama Senators.

That district six would remain barefoot and pregnant for another four years. Had I paid attention to the screaming crystal ball and seen the future I would have tried harder to make sure the people of Russellville understood that the days of backing a truck up to the field house to hand out cheerleader uniforms were over.

With me or without me.

However, as I expressed to the new Goat Hill leadership on Monday night;

"With your help there is little or no reason that I cannot do what I set out to do from my present State Office just as well as I could from the State House in Montgomery."

After all my goal was to get a highway from Barton to Tuscaloosa and industry, jobs and careers into district six.

Although district six has no representation interested in real economic development, our new Governor has made a pledge to not take a salary until Alabama reaches 5.2% unemployment.

It works in our favor that District six has counties what have the highest level of unemployment - by extension we will be the first counties considered by the Governor for real planned job growth.

$100million dollars for a highway project is not out of the question. $12 million for a Chinese lighting facility is not out of the question. $50million for a 2.5 million square foot solar power plant, a green diesel assembly plant and an electrical generation plant is not out of the question.

Repeal of the severance tax and the associated pork handouts is not completely off the table.

Heck .. a Browns Ferry sized Nuclear plant is even on the table.

So the electing the new leadership, of which I was not in a small way responsible may in fact lead to something good for Fayette, Winfield, Sulligent, Haleyville or Hamilton Alabama and maybe even a road tying those cities to Corrordor X.

As one gentleman from the State Republican Executive Committee said to me, "Son you didn't win your battle - but you certainly helped us win our war."

Change is coming to parts of District six, but if you live in Russellville Alabama, don't wait up.

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