
Thursday, November 18, 2010

The gravity of discontent always pulls to the right

In my travels I note what people say.

The most common phrase before the election was "Vote'm all out".

The Republicans all revel in the fact that most of the newly elected were of their party but fail to note that the tide was not necessarily anti-party. It was anti-incumbent. The post election phrase seems to be "Lets see if the new crop does any better". The TEA party does the "eyes on you!" two finger move to the newly elected.

As they should.

Skepticism seems to be the order of the day.

One distinguished gentleman sat quietly humming the ancient tune made popular by The Who "Won't Get Fooled Again" which ends with the line "Meet the new boss/ Same as the old boss"

Look up the lyrics if you have time.

People have been conditioned to believe that the job of the elected official is to bring home Pork. No matter who I talk to or what the topic the phrase " Brings us almost all our tax dollars home" comes up.

Like the parable of the man Jesus spoke of who buried his one talent in the ground.

WWJD with these elected officials?

The Republican shield will not save them if they keep taxing the people then using the money to make little girls and old firefighters fight like squealing piglets at the feeding faucet.

It will not save them if they "bring back almost all the money. "

I scratch my head in bewilderment.

Bewildered because any tax should be considered an investment. Any investor will tell you that when you make an investment you should get an return "of " your investment and a return "on" your investment. In real estate it is getting back the cost of the property, plus additions before you count your profit. In loans it is principal and interest. In public taxation it is the visible asset that we bought, the overpass, or the school, and the benefit to the public that we get from having that asset.

Many times we see a new building going up, or a get a grant for a new rug for our office and never once ask, "Is this a good deal?"- " Is this the way public money should be spent?"

Of course the benefit is sometime hard to see. Especially things like PreK and first grade textbooks because the benefit is somewhere in the far future when that child becomes the new rocket scientist. (Some of you are saying - "What benefit to me is a rocket scientist?)" If our new crop is to be returned to office in four years they must invest our tax dollars for a return of our investment and a return on our investment.

Like most of the things we rant on as citizens. The burden ultimately falls on us, the blame squarely at our feet. If your politicians misbehave then try to remember that you elected them. And if they are not the people you voted for then you had a chance to shake the bushes and put out the signs and attend the meetings that I am sure the winners of the contest did attend.

Sorry, the first step in change is to accept personal responsibility for the way things are. Then and only then can you believe that you have the power to change things for the better.

It's up to you.

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