
Friday, May 21, 2010

The straight dope.

One of the big city life problems we seem to be having is the addiction to hard drugs in our sleepy little towns. Methamphetamine, Crack Cocaine, and Oxycontin, Lorcet, cooked or raw. Attached to this we have theft, robbery, prostitution and loss of productivity in the work place. The inattention of children of the drug homes makes the problem intergenerational.

Sadly, our system allows generous disability benefits to those addicted to drugs and because of the economic downturn they can just as quick get on unemployment. Unemployment checks roll in while the drug store is "wide open".

One of the sad results of a community that grows into adolescence is the transformation from a time of innocence to the awareness of the pain and grief that goes along with adulthood.

This is above all why I am in the State Senate race. To get the laws passed that our current lawmakers have ignored. I don't want to go so far as to say they directly benefit from the sale of narcotics. But i will go on the record as saying lots of lawyers would be out of business without drug court.

I have been warned about revealing my plans that it might cost me votes. And it may, with ten thousand drug addicts in district six the drug vote could easily sway the election. ( I noticed one local candidate bowed out of the multi county meth bust for that very reason)

This is a little ramble about but to get to the point.

I have an eye for statistical anomalies. In a nutshell, I watch the ages of the people in the obituaries and if the Standard Deviation drops out of a certain range, well then as uncle Davis said when he saw the train wreck "Something caused that!"

This is not rocket science. Look at the paper today, yesterday, and tomorrow, you see men in their 60's to 80's and women in their 70's to 90's and then like a spotlight you see them. Anywhere from fifteen to twenty five percent of each newspaper's obituaries are men and women in their thirties who died suddenly of "heart attack."

Up very dramatically from last year.

The rash has something to do with unemployment. Something to do with quality control at the drug manufacturer (in Mexico usually) and something to do with just plain bad dope.

Before you write them off as just dope heads that are better off dead try to remember the children, the parents, wives and husbands, friends and employers who also suffer when someone close dies one of these drug related deaths. This fire must be fought at the base.

We must have a ban on over the counter sale of ephedrine and we must have mandatory registration of prescription drug sales to prevent doctor shopping.

As I said the pain of big city life includes deaths from dope. But something else is going on. Something is causing our people to die. And when they die we lose more than just the drug addict down the street. Something has to be done. It has to be done in Montgomery, and it is not being done by the people in office now.

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